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Pp. 4 — 10


UDC  339.138

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-7325-4-10

Method of Travel-Brands Image Formation for Generation Z: Formation and Implementation of Solutions


Andronova Anastasia Alekseevna,

Master’s student, Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations, ITMO University; 11/2 Tchaikovsky St., Saint Petersburg, Russia

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Solovyova Dina Vitalyevna,

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations, ITMO University; 11/2 Tchaikovsky St., Saint Petersburg, Russia

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In the context of high competition in the tourism industry and the emergence of active consumers represented by Generation Z, brands need to acquire unique competitive advantages, one of which is image. At the moment, scientists and business practitioners mainly consider image as an additional element, emphasiZing the ways of forming brand identity. However, image is a moving category and reflects the internal and external activities of the brand, which makes it relevant to work with it. The aim of the research is to develop a method of image formation of travel brands targeting generation Z. In the paper «Method of travel-brands image formation for generation Z: analytical stage» ( the authors considered the first stage of the method. This paper presents the next stage – formation and realiZation of solutions. The authors proposed an algorithm for the implementation of the method, models for the formation of goal setting, travel-brand image, tactics, presented strategic alternatives and the method of their evaluation and selection. In addition, the results of approbation of the developed method on the example of the brand of the city of Saransk are described.


Keywords: generation Z; brand image; travel-brand; tourism; marketing; sensory experience; marketing concept.



Pp. 11 – 16


UDC 338.124

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-7325-11-16

Marketing Research of the University Brand


Voronova Svetlana Petrovna,

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at Department of Economics and Management in Construction, Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University; 9 Moskovsky Av., St. Petersburg, Russia

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Astakhin Alexander Stanislavovich,

PhD in Economics, Applicant at Management and Marketing Department, Belgorod State National Research University, 85 Pobeda St., Belgorod, Russia

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Osadchaya Svetlana Mikhaylovna,

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at Management and Marketing Department, Belgorod State National Research University; 85 Pobeda St., Belgorod, Russia

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The main objective of the research is to identify the features of the university brand perception by its carriers in the face of students of different courses and areas of study. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved: a statistically significant sample of respondents was formed, a survey was conducted according to the developed questionnaires, the data of the respondents’ survey were analyzed and the most significant factors influencing the brand perception were identified. The obtained results can serve as a basis for developing a strategy to promote the university brand. An important feature of the developed strategy is the duration of the educational cycle, at different stages of which different brand promotion tools are applied.


Keywords: brand; university; marketing research; methods; development strategy; questionnaire; survey; education.



Pp. 17 – 24


UDC 659.3

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-7325-17-24

Marketing Promotion of the Charity FUnd «Gift of Life» With the Help of PR Technologies


Zubova Marina Andreevna,

Bachelor of Advertising and Public Relations, Higher School of Creative Industries, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; 36 Stremyanny Pereulok, Moscow, Russia

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Nurtdinova Elizaveta Elmasovna,

Bachelor of Advertising and Public Relations, Higher School of Creative Industries, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; 36 Stremyanny Pereulok, Moscow, Russia

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Koshel Vladimir Andreevich,

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Advertising, Public Relations and Design, Higher School of Creative Industries, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; 36 Stremyanny Pereulok, Moscow, Russia

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The article is devoted to the development of a communication fundraising programme based on the analysis of practices of foreign and Russian charitable foundations. The concept of charitable activity is considered, the main trends in communications of charitable organisations are given. The necessity of appealing to positive emotions and encouraging fundraisers to stimulate donations is noted. The experience of introducing communications into the practice of the largest charitable foundations has been analysed, on the basis of which a strategy for increasing donation for the «Gift of Life» foundation has been developed. The paper concludes with the conclusions that determine the relevance of further research on the topic of increasing donor donations through PR-instruments.


Keywords: charitable foundation; PR-communications; fundraising; promotion; marketing communications; charity promotion; ESG-communications.



Pp. 25 – 31


UDC 339.13

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-7325-25-31

Marketing Strategies of Higher Education Institutions on the TVET Markets in the Era of Holistic Marketing and Digital Transformation


Kravets Anastasia Olegovna,

Specialist in Additional Education, Department of Competence Development for Children and Youth, Belgorod State National Research University; 85 Pobeda St., Belgorod, Russia

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Digitalisation of industries, globalisation of markets, growing instability of the external environment, increasing social inequality, networking of business models predetermine the importance of university marketing. The article presents trends in the development of holistic marketing in the era of digital globalisation, key aspects of the theory of consumer behaviour in relation to the product of additional professional education. The author uses the model of «holistic product» by T. Levitt. Levitt in relation to the specifics of formation and promotion of consumer value of an educational product. As a result, the psychographic segmentation of graduates as a target stream and prospective subjects of marketing interaction regarding involvement in the processes of additional vocational education and retention / development of relations with the university is carried out, the marketing strategy of a modern university is developed, which includes actual possibilities of involvement, stimulation and implementation of teachers’ potential as key internal partners of a progressive educational organisation.


Keywords: educational marketing; additional education; consumer behaviour; digital marketing; holistic marketing; marketing strategy.



Pp. 32 – 38


UDC 658.8

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-7325-32-38

Decentralized Data Registry as a Competitive Advantage


Loginov Nikita Andreevich,

Master of Innovation, ITMO National Research University; 49 Kronverksky Pr., liter A, St. Petersburg, Russia

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Pavlova Elena Aleksandrovna,

Ph.D., Associate Professor, ITMO National Research University; 49 Kronverksky Pr., liter A, St. Petersburg, Russia

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The article touches upon the topic of blockchain technology competitiveness, taking into account the peculiarities of its implementation in the business processes of an organisation: the need of organisations for certain employees is determined, technological and technical features of blockchain implementation are highlighted, and groups of risks are identified when integrating the technology with the assignment of the category of impact on the organisation. As an example, the transport industry was considered with its peculiarities that should be taken into account when implementing blockchain technology. Based on the highlighted features, a methodology for implementing blockchain technology into organisations’ business processes has been developed. This methodology will determine the organisation’s need for blockchain and take into account the possible risks, which will allow it to integrate a decentralised data registry with a minimum level of risk and taking into account all the features of the technology.


Keywords: human resources; technological and technical features of blockchain; implementation risks; transport industry; competitive advantage.



Pp. 39 – 43


UDC 658.8

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-7325-39-43


Scaling FMCG express delivery services by studying consumer behaviour


Kurilov Bogdan Nikolaevich,

PhD Student, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; 36 Stremyanny Pereulok, Moscow, Russia

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Musatova Zhanna Borisovna,

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, National Research University Higher School of Economics; 26 Shabolovka St., Moscow, Russia

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The article is devoted to the study of consumer behaviour when interacting with the format of express delivery of FMCG goods in e-commerce. The task of the paper is to describe the prospects of the channel, as well as its challenges that express delivery services are already facing. In order to respond to these challenges, it is proposed to analyse consumer behaviour and find representative factors through which it is possible to address the added value of the format to improve business margins. As possible determinants of the intention to use the express delivery format, it is proposed to consider the factors of impulse buying propensity and perceived pleasure.


Keywords: e-commerce; express delivery; fast delivery; express delivery; urgent delivery; consumer behaviour; FMCG.



Pp. 44 – 49


UDC  621.56

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-7325-44-49

Analysis of Implementation of Basic Components of Refrigeration Equipment (Compressors) on the Example of a Small Enterprise


Mayorov Sergey Gennadyevich,

Postgraduate student, Faculty of Business, Moscow Financial and Industrial University «SINERGIA»; 9/14 Meshchanskaya St., Moscow, Russia

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The article deals with the issues of realisation of basic components of refrigeration equipment – compressors – by a small enterprise. The most demanded and least demanded compressors in the domestic market are highlighted. The average data on the number of sold compressors and their cost for 2021, 2022 and 2023 are given. Profitability of sales by gross profit for each type of compressor is determined. It is established that at the present stage there is an increase in demand for compressors and in the near future we should expect an increase in their sales.


Keywords: refrigeration compressor; compressor sales; profitability of sales; trends in compressor sales.



Pp. 50 – 56


UDC 658.8

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-7325-50-56


Development of a Methodological Approach to Brand Management of Educational Institutions of Higher Education in the Field of Choreographic art


Guz Vladislava Vladimirovna,

4th year student of the Department of Business Economics, Sevastopol State University; 33, Universitetskaya st., Sevastopol, Russia

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Malov Anton Vitalievich,

Associate Professor of the Department of Business Economics, Sevastopol State University; 33, Universitetskaya st., Sevastopol, Russia

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The article is devoted to the study of factors affecting the brand recognition of educational institutions of higher education in the field of choreographic art. The aim of the article is to develop a methodological approach to assessing the effectiveness of marketing activities of the largest choreographic universities of the Russian Federation, according to which the generalised Harrington function is used as an integral indicator. The proposed method acts as an additional tool in assessing the competitiveness of educational institutions in the field of choreography. On the basis of this assessment, in order to identify problems and ways to solve them, activities that will help to increase brand recognition were proposed. As part of the research, a slogan for the FSBEI VO «Academy of Choreography» was proposed, and recommendations to strengthen the competitive position of the university were developed.


Keywords: Harrington scale; competitiveness; branding; marketing activities; choreography; university development strategy; education marketing; brand image.



Pp. 57 – 61


UDC 332.1

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-7325-57-61


Rural Tourism: Development and Promotion Issues


Plotnikov Vladimir Alexandrovich,

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of General Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought; St. Petersburg State University of Economics; 30-32 Griboedov Canal Embankment, St. Petersburg, Russia

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Gamidova Ariza Eldikarovna,

Lecturer, Makhachkala office of the Moscow Financial and Industrial University «Synergy»; 21 Ali-Gadzhi Akushinsky Avenue., Makhachkala, Russia

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In modern conditions there is a restructuring of tourism business, changes in its structure. In particular, such type of tourism as rural tourism has officially emerged. It is still at the initial stage of its development, at the stage of formation. This actualises the problem of its promotion. At the same time, its solution by classical methods has a limitation in the form of lack of resources of rural tourism entities. In this regard, the article recommends the use of centralised resources for these purposes, which is possible on the basis of closer interaction of rural tourism entities with state and municipal authorities.


Keywords: rural tourism; tourism product promotion; state support of the industry; tourist flow; marketing support of business.



Pp. 62 – 66


UDC 339.138

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-7325-62-66


The concept of normcore marketing as a basis for the method of fashion-brands formation


Ryabova Anastasia Dmitrievna,

Master’s student, Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations, ITMO University; 11/2 Tchaikovsky St., Saint Petersburg, Russia

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Solovyova Dina Vitalyevna,

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations, ITMO University; 11/2 Tchaikovsky St., Saint Petersburg, Russia

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In a world of hyper-consumption and a lot of marketing noise, it is increasingly difficult for a fashion brand to attract and retain its consumer. The use of «bright and loud» marketing strategies is no longer so effective, as the consumer stops noticing them. The key to solving the problem of confrontation between fast and slow fashion, loud and quiet marketing can be normcore marketing. The article presents the author’s method of fashion-brand formation based on the updated concept of normcore marketing, which includes important ideas of authentic, emotional and trust marketing. The redefined concept of normcore marketing is an improved approach that emphasizes defining authenticity, building a deep-emotional connection, and building trust with consumers. The relevance of the study is due to the in-depth study of the marketing concept of normcore, as well as approbation of the author’s method of fashion-brand formation in practice.


Keywords: branding; normcore marketing; authentic marketing; trust marketing; emotional marketing; fashion brand; consumer behavior.



Pp. 67 – 70


UDC 339.138

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-7325-67-70


Analysing the Impact of Partnerships on Corporate Competitiveness


Syutkin Viktor Leonidovich,

Graduate student, Russian New University; 22 Radio St., Moscow, Russia

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The paper provides successful examples of the development of partnership relations between companies in the financial, technological and trade spheres with organisations providing marketing services. The relevance of the work is related to the fact that in order to effectively solve problems in marketing management, organisations resort to the services of third-party agencies that provide professional services in market research, development of marketing promotion strategy and launch of advertising campaigns. The article offers recommendations that are aimed at improving the impact of partnership relations in the field of marketing management on the competitiveness of companies.


Keywords: partnership relations; competitiveness; marketing management; marketing services; marketing promotion.



Pp. 71 – 73


UDC 339.138

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-7325-71-73

Issues of Demand for «Green» Investments in the Marketing of the Territory


Fomina Ksenia Romanovna,

Applicant at Management and Marketing Department, Belgorod State National Research University; 85 Pobeda St., Belgorod, Russia

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The aim of the paper was to clarify how significant for the regions is the attraction of funds for ‘green’ projects implemented within the framework of ‘green’ investment, and whether this option of attracting investment can be in demand today within the framework of territorial marketing for domestic conditions. Territory marketing is an integral dominant of regional development, and when following the trend towards sustainability, the implementation of ‘green’ projects is significant, which actualises the attraction of ‘green’ investments. Active involvement of the authorities, business and local community within the framework of territorial marketing in the implementation of ‘green’ projects in terms of their support and guarantees is justified. We believe that, despite the existing difficulties, such a tool as ‘green’ investment in the framework of territorial marketing can contribute to positive socio-economic transformation of regions.


Keywords: territory marketing; green projects; green investments.



Pp. 74 – 77


UDC 339.138

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-7325-74-77

The Terminological System of Foresight-Marketing: Analysis and Structuring


Shvets Ksenia Igorevna,

Master of Marketing, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Communication Strategist, BBDO, 13c.7, Derbenevskaya nab., Moscow, Russia

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The purpose of this study is to identify the most used concepts of foresight-marketing as an actively developing interdisciplinary field of marketing research and strategic planning, as well as their analysis and systematization. Foresight -marketing conceptual apparatus is based on borrowed terms from related industries and other languages due to the insufficiency of its own theoretical foundation, so they were studied in detail. The article reveals the meaning of such concepts as futures studies, foresight, forecast, trendwatching and others examining their relationship. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the development of the basis of the foresight-marketing terminological apparatus. As a result of the research, the author provides definitions of industries devoted to the study of the future determining the place of foresight-marketing among them and defines main terms and their relation.


Keywords: futurology; futures studies; foresight; forecast; foresight-marketing; trendwatching; trendspotting; trendsetting; trend forecasting; trends.



Pp. 78 – 84


UDC 339.138

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-7325-78-84

Use of Neural Networks and Generative Design Capabilities in Branding


Shchelik Sofya Yurievna,

Master’s Student at «Innovative Marketing» Program at Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations of ITMO National Research University; 49 Kronverksky Pr., liter A, St. Petersburg, Russia

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Soldatova Anastasia Vladimirovna,

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Full-Time Associate Professor at Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations of ITMO National Research University; 49 Kronverksky Pr., liter A, St. Petersburg, Russia

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With rapid technological progress, companies are faced with the need to adapt to new market realities. In the context of these changes, artificial intelligence technologies offer great opportunities for automating routine tasks, improving the quality of visual elements and personalising them for users, and reducing time costs in the process of developing marketing strategies. The aim of the study is to demonstrate the feasibility of integrating generative design and neural networks in each of the branding phases. The findings highlight the importance of applying these technologies in the process of brand creation and reform through accurate data analysis, offering practical recommendations for the use of artificial intelligence in modern marketing.


Keywords: generative design; neural networks; branding; machine learning; artificial intelligence; marketing strategies.