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Рр. 3 — 9

Features of Generations Y and Z Behavior in the Public Food Service Market

Romanova Irina Matveevna, Doc. Econ.Sci., Professor of the Chair of Marketing Commerce and Logistics, Far Eastern Federal University; Suhanova Street 8, Vladivostok, Russia, 690950 (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Noskova Elena Victorovna, Cand.Econ.Sci., Associate Professor of the Chair of Marketing Commerce and Logistics, Far Eastern Federal University; Suhanova Street, 8, Vladivostok, 690950, Russia (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Analysis of consumer behavior from the perspective of generational theory is a promising area of research. Demographic variables (gender, age) reduce their relevance and become less informative for managerial decisions. Generational theory explains consumer behavior styles through a system of attitudes. In the framework of this study, the authors presented the results of original field studies of the behavior of consumers of generations Y and Z when choosing catering services. As a result of the study, gaps between generations Y and Z were identified regarding the requirements for filling the services of a catering enterprise. Generation Y is more demanding on the functional value of the service, they value comfort and personal communications, while for generation Z is important for virtual communications and innovations, the “intrusive” service is not attractive. The fixed behavioral patterns of representatives of different generations should be taken into account by marketers when establishing contacts with consumers.

Рр. 10 — 15

Effectiveness of Digital Marketing in Virtual Markets: Review of Existing Approaches and Techniques

Shevchenko Dmitry Anatolyevich, Professor of marketing and advertising, doctor of economic sciences, honorary member of the Guild of Marketers, expert AKAR, Head of the Department of marketing communications of the Moscow Polytechnic Institute; Bol. Semenovskaya str. 38, Moscow, Russia, 107023 (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

When evaluating the communication effectiveness of marketing messages for traditional forms of advertising and marketing campaigns to promote the products of companies, marketing experts vigorously debated. Opponents of calculating the economic and financial effectiveness of marketing (including calculating ROI) argued that interactive advertising, like marketing in general, cannot be calculated. The factors that most affect the increased demand cannot be determined. Mathematical formulas and measurements force to “complete” the entire business solely with numbers, behind which consumers, suppliers, own workers and the very meaning of the existence of the business disappear. Moreover, it is quite possible that not one separate factor will work, but a synergistic effect from two or more factors. Which ones? Even the buyer who made the purchase will not be able to answer this question. Marketing itself is significantly different from the managerial approach to doing business, because it does not lend itself to clear analysis and calculation. This approach exists now. But with the development of the digital environment, various forms of Internet communications, relevant services, tools for measuring effectiveness, the so-called measurement models, which are discussed in this article, have appeared.

Рр. 16 — 20

Motives for Entry of Retail Network Personnel into the Company’s Brand Community in a Social Network (Using Facebook as an Example)

Shilovskiy Sergey Vitalievich, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing, Logistics and Commerce, Far Eastern Federal University; 10 Aiax village, FEFU campus, 690922, island Russkiy, Russia (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

The article presents the results of a study of motives for the entry of the personnel of Russian retail chains FMCG into their brand communities on the social network Facebook. The author describes the relationship between consumer engagement and staff involvement in relations with the brand in social networks. Based on this relationship, we can conclude that the company needs to take care not only about how to engage consumers in the brand community in the social network, but also about how to engage its employees. To develop recommendations for marketers, the motives of the entry of retail chain personnel into the brand community on Facebook were investigated.
The novelty of the author’s approach lies in the fact that the author was the first to propose to study the motives for company employees to enter the brand community in social networks and the effect of personnel engagement in the social network on consumer engagement was justified. The results of the study will allow retailers to successfully form a brand community in social networks and ensure consumer engagement in relations with the brand.

Рр. 21 — 26

Marketing Coordination of Innovative Processes in the Context of Economy Digitalization

Вouroubi Mohamed Ramzi, Graduate student of the Faculty of Technology Management and Innovation, «National Research University of Information Technology, Mechanics and Optics»; Kronverksky Av. 49, St. Petersburg, Russia, 197101 (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Digitalization – changing the form of business in a digital reality based on data. This is one of the key directions of the marketing strategy of business development. This process is applied at every stage of the innovation process: development, production and market launch of the product. Its advantages in marketing coordination of innovative processes are defined: intensification of processes, reduction of costs, growth of speed of separate processes. Identified shortcomings: the risk of theft of ideas and hacking, difficult at the moment to find competent employees. Nevertheless, the process of digitalization does not cancel or change the tasks that marketing solves: market research, product promotion and others. Failure to digitalize or lagging behind in the development of this direction puts firms in front of significant costs and losses, such as the loss of consumers, falling sales, loss of suppliers and business partners, deterioration of the image. Successful application of digitalization involves the ability to manage relationships with counterparties through various channels, to respond quickly to requests, to extract the necessary information from the data array.

Рр. 27 — 30

Consumer Value as a Source of Competitive Advantages

Tovarishchtai Temir Ilich, Post-Graduate Student of the Department of Marketing. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Stremyanny Lane 36, Moscow, Russia, 117997 (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

The author considers approaches to the definition and classification of consumer value, methods of its measurement. Consumer value is considered as a multidimensional phenomenon, which includes functional, emotional, social, epistemic and conditional values, which in turn are sources of competitive advantages. Consumer value determines consumer behavior and plays a significant role in the process of choosing a brand, deciding on the purchase of a product or service, as well as the place of purchase. It is formed due to the utilitarian and functional qualities of the product, feelings and emotions that arise in the consumer when buying and using the product, etc. Consumer value is associated with such important characteristics as: competitiveness, price, quality of a product or service, consumer satisfaction, competitive advantages, etc. Consumer value affects the image and reputation of the company, increases the demand for its goods and services and ensures the competitiveness of the company.

Рр. 31 — 37

Marketing Aspect of Producing Updates in the Distribution Channel: Theory and Methodology

Kolgan Maria Vladimirovna, Ph.D. Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and Engineering Economics, Don State Technical University; pl. Gagarin 1, 344000, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Use a wide range of digital tools and technologies, ranging from social media to smartphones, to make informed purchasing decisions. This evolution turns marketing into a technological function that requires new competencies, for example, technological. The article substantiates the necessity of applying the elements of digitalization, the implementation of which is based on marketing tools. The author’s position is presented in the developed construct of the marketing mechanism of producing updates in the distribution channel, in the interpretation of its elements. The importance of its individual components and additional skills, which create a basis for improving the activities of enterprises in the conditions of digitalization, by combining the capabilities of consumers and participants of the business ecosystem, allowing to increase the consumer value of products through interaction, is proved.