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Рр. 4 – 7

UDC 339.138

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2025-1331-4-7


Model of Integration of Marketing Communications in Promoting the Brand of Russian Raw Materials Companies


Rozhkov Ilya Vyacheslavovich,

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Marketing for Scientific Work, Faculty “Higher School of Management”, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 49/2 Leningradsky Ave., Moscow, Russia

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The relevance of the study is due to the fact that in the conditions of unrelenting sanctions pressure from the countries of the collective West, Russian companies belonging to the raw materials sector need to develop and implement strategic programs to promote their own brands, both in the domestic and foreign markets in order to generate and stimulate demand. The purpose of the study is to develop a model of marketing communications integration in brand promotion of Russian raw materials companies. The main objectives include: identification of target audiences of marketing communications; selection of marketing communications tools; identification of the essence and meaning of integrated marketing communications; description of the stages of realization of the model of marketing communications integration; identification of the types of marketing communications integration. As a result of the study, the model of marketing communications integration in promoting the brand of Russian raw materials companies was proposed, providing for the realization of several types of integration. The proposed model of integration has a universal character and can be used by various Russian companies in the implementation of programs to promote their own brands, both in domestic and foreign markets.


Keywords: integrated marketing communications; target audience; integration; brand, promotion; model.



Рр. 8 – 11


UDC 796.075.2

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2025-1331-8-11


Naming of Sports Arenas as an Additional Source of Fundraising


Gorelikov Valery Afanasyevich,

Associate Professor, Sports Marketing Department, Moscow Financial and Industrial University «Synergy», Director, SportTeam Consulting Agency; 2 Izmailovsky Val, Moscow, Russia

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Savin Vladimir Alexandrovich,

General Director of ROSTECH ARENA, PhD student of Baltic Federal University; 25 Solnechny Boulevard, Kaliningrad, Russia

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The article considers the issues of using sports arena naming in Russia and assesses the growth potential of this segment of sponsorship in the near future. The discussion part of the research included the issues of identifying marketing tools that can be used to attract additional funding for sports arenas in Russia and aspects of determining the requirements necessary to realise the available opportunities. According to the results of the analysis, problematic issues were identified, options for their solution were considered, and proposals for creating a quality marketing product to attract additional funding for sports arenas were formed.


Keywords: sports marketing; brand image; sponsorship; stadium; sports arena; naming; sponsorship activation.



Рр. 12 – 15


UDC 338.46

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2025-1331-12-15


Transformation of Tourist Services for «Colored» Types of Tourism


Baranova Alla Yurievna,

PhD. in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Innovative Technologies in Economics and Management, Sochi State University; 94, Plastunskaya str., Sochi, Russia

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The article is devoted to the study of tourism types according to the colour scheme. Since modern travellers demand new impressions, new types of tourism have been formed, and some of them have become ‘painted in different colours’, resulting in green, blue, red, black and other types of tourism. The purpose of the article is to study the types of tourism according to the colour palette and to develop proposals for their application by representatives of tourism business. Scientific novelty lies in the systematisation of types of tourism on the basis of the colour palette, which allowed us to identify more interesting objects as a tourist show. Thanks to the provision of tourism services on the basis of the colour scale, it is possible to manage tourist flows and improve the satisfaction of human needs in the field of entertainment. As a result, non-tourist regions will be involved in tourism development, and tourist services (routes) will be ordered by technical complexity.


Keywords: types of tourism; colour scheme; tourist objects of visit; marketing of territories; marketing of tourism; marketing of entertainment.



Рр. 16 – 20


UDC 338.984

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2025-1331-16-20


Technological Innovations and Synchromarketing in Print: New Horizons


Grekov Gleb Igorevich,

Postgraduate student of the Department of Marketing, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; 36 Stremyanny Lane, Moscow, Russia

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The article considers the current trends in the development of the printing industry in the conditions of digital transformation and introduction of innovative technologies. The author analyses the impact of the transition from printed publications to electronic formats on the market of printed products. Prospects and challenges related to the adaptation of business to new conditions and changing consumer preferences are identified. It should be stated that the main challenge for the development of the printing industry is the use of technological innovations and the principles of synchromarketing, the tools of which (such as flexible pricing, loyalty programmes and targeted advertising) are becoming more effective thanks to digital platforms. However, the implementation of these solutions comes with certain challenges, such as equipment costs, the need to adapt production processes and staff training. The author concludes that printing companies using synchromarketing and digital solutions can achieve improved production performance, increase customer satisfaction and ensure business sustainability.


Keywords: printing; digital printing; digital media; synchromarketing; publishing; marketing in printing.



Рр. 21 – 24


UDC 339.13

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2025-1331-21-24


Brand Media as a Marketing Tool for Promoting Russian Digital Ecosystems


Kolpashnikova Anna Vitalievna,

Student of the Department of Mass Communications and Media Business, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 49, Leningradsky Prospekt, Moscow, Russia

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Romanishina Tatyana Sergeevna,

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Mass Communications and Media Business, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 49 Leningradsky Prospekt, Moscow, Russia

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Gasparyan Artur Vardgesovich,

PhD in Economics, Consultant on crisis management; 113/1 Leninsky Prospekt, Moscow, Russia

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The article explores the peculiarities of defining brand media as a marketing tool for promoting companies in general and Russian digital ecosystems in particular. A list of characteristic features that distinguish brand-media from other content-marketing strategies is proposed, based on which a list of relevant brand-media of Russian digital ecosystems is subsequently formed and a conclusion is made about the prevalence of brand-media practices. The authors also identify and describe the cause-and-effect relationships that explain the relevance of brand-media creation by digital ecosystems, and specify the strategic goals that companies can achieve if they actively develop this format of communication with the audience.


Keywords: brand media; brand journalism; digital ecosystem; content marketing; target audience.



Рр. 25 – 30


UDC 339.138

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2025-1331-25-30


Analysis of the Fintech Market based on a Systematic Literature Review


Kalimullina Olga Valeryevna,

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Data Economics, The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications; 22 Bolshevikov ave., St. Petersburg, Russia

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The volume of research related to financial technologies has grown significantly since the emergence of this concept. The review of sources on this topic allowed us to identify general trends and regularities in the use of financial-technological design solutions in practice, analyse the current state of the fintech market. The study examined 56 articles on financial technology in four academic databases for the last 2 years (2023–2024). The paper proposes a classification of fintech research into four areas (‘green agenda’, ‘socio-economic’, ‘technological’, ‘business’), which suggests a unique perspective on the topic, allowing a new assessment of the direction and scope of future research in the provision of financial services and services using innovative technologies.


Keywords: systematic literature review, fintech market analysis, trends, financial technologies, content analysis.



Рр. 31 – 34


UDC 332

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2025-1331-31-34


Research of the Practice of Applying Territorial Branding in the Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation


Zhirkova Marina Vladimirovna,

Senior Lecturer, Department of Management, Vladimir Branch of RANEPA; 59a Gorky St., Vladimir, Russia

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This article is devoted to the study of the existing practice of applying territory branding in the subjects of the Russian Federation. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the author has identified the main regularities of territory branding in regional policy. The object of the study was 34 subjects of the Russian Federation, in which the brand of the territory has already been approved and developed. The purpose of the article is to identify the features of brand management of these subjects. Research objectives: to identify those responsible for brand creation of the subjects under consideration; to study the development goals, target audience and its attitude to the regional brand. As a result, the obtained results complement the set of existing studies devoted to the review of territorial branding practice.


Keywords: territorial brand; regional brand; regional policy; sustainable development.



Рр. 35 – 39


UDC 339.138

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2025-1331-35-39


Neuromarketing: How Emotions Influence Buying decisions


Tatarinov Konstantin Anatolyevich,

PhD in Economics Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Service, Baikal State University; 11 Lenin St., Irkutsk, Russia

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Digitalization of human life is making steady changes not only in the consumer market, but also in marketing. Today, a significant part of the purchase process takes place in a digital environment. Companies are faced with the task of anticipating and actively using these changes in order to effectively present their brand on the Internet. Thanks to neuromarketing, the results of brain research on purchasing behavior are interpreted and manifested in the marketing concept. By bringing brain research and market analysis closer together, the neuromarketer draws conclusions about objective motives for buying and ways to retain customers. Such actions contribute to the creation of valuable development strategies, especially in the field of electronic commerce, characterized by an excessive flow of advertising information, since the neural model of the market no longer relies on erroneous surveys to determine the subjective perception of the brand by the customer. The article presents the results of brain research, applicable in neuromarketing, and discusses the concepts obtained on this basis. The focus is on what approaches are used in neuromarketing to activate desires and needs to increase sales of consumer goods through targeted communication strategies. In conclusion, it is concluded that consumer neuroscience should serve to create new and more advanced models of human behavior when making purchase decisions, and prospects for further research in the field of neuromarketing are outlined.


Keywords: neuromarketing; neurobiology; emotions; brain research; brand image; purchase motivation; brand loyalty.



Рр. 40 – 43


UDC 339.13

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2025-1331-40-43


Manipulative Content: Methodology of Creation and Areas of Application


Tkhorikov Boris Alexandrovich,

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Service Technologies and Business Processes, A.N. Kosygin Russian State University; 1 Malaya Kaluzhskaya St., Moscow, Russia

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Zhang Jiandong,

Postgraduate student of the Department of Management and Marketing, Belgorod State National Research University; 85 Pobedy St., Belgorod, Russia

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The article describes the methodology of creating digital manipulative content, which includes seven consecutive stages: defining the goals of manipulation; cognitive modelling of the target audience; psycho-emotional mapping of content; enhancing the impact using behavioural models; defining the type and creating manipulative content; testing and oculographic analysis of perception; predicting the economic efficiency of manipulation. By means of experimental oculographic observation and launching an advertising campaign in the social network VKontakte the verification and approbation of the created advertising creatives with manipulative effect is carried out.


Keywords: content marketing; advertising creatives; buying behaviour; manipulative techniques.



Рр. 44 – 47


UDC 339.138

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2025-1331-44-47


Features of the Analysis of the Regional Industry Market


Tyurin Dmitry Valeryevich,

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Marketing Department, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 49, Leningradsky Prospekt, Moscow, Russia; Moscow Financial and Industrial University “Sinergia”

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In modern Russian business in most industries, regional markets are beginning to develop actively with the support of such an innovative area as territory marketing. The level of competition is increasing, consumer preferences are changing, which in turn creates difficulties for organisations when entering certain regions, as well as in understanding the possible causes of sales decline and response to these fluctuations. The article is devoted to the organisation of collection and analysis of information about the regional branch market and its specifics, as well as the stages and methods of obtaining and processing data on the market situation. The model of the graphical map of the market was proposed with the possibility of entering the necessary market information into it, which will allow the company to easily navigate in the assortment portfolio and product nomenclature of each market participant, the structure of its sales by sales channels. The purpose of the study: to analyse the features, factors, stages and approaches to the effective collection and analysis of regional information. Scientific novelty of the research consists in the complex methodological approach to the analysis of the regional branch market using a group of methods of information collection and construction of graphic visualisation of all sales channels of the market. The result of the study is the substantiation of factors of successful use of the collected data on the regional market, which will allow managers to make effective management decisions on the development of regional presence and increase the company’s profits.


Keywords: regional branch market; meso-environment; competitor card; marketing information system; CRM-system; price monitoring; assortment matrix; regional market map.



Рр. 48 – 52



DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2025-1331-48-52

Violation of the Principles of Social and Ethical Marketing in the Activities of Marketplaces


Osadchaya Svetlana Mikhaylovna,

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Management and Markting Department, Belgorod State National Research University; 85 Pobeda St., Belgorod, Russia

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Marketplaces have become one of the key components of the modern economy, which has gained momentum with the rapid development of digital platform solutions in commerce. Their advantages such as convenience, time-saving, and the ability to enter new markets make marketplaces attractive to both buyers and businesses. However, the growing popularity of these platforms brings not only advantages, but also some problems and even threats. The paper presents an assessment of the level of development of marketplaces in our country, which revealed a significant annual increase in the market volume. Also in the article the basic questions concerning violation of principles of social and ethical behaviour on the part of sellers, buyers and marketplaces themselves are given, it is grounded that for reduction of their negative influence, first of all, improvement of the legislation is required in part of adoption of the special law which would strictly regulate all sides of activity of marketplaces.


Keywords: social and ethical marketing; digital economy; marketplaces; trade aggregators; consumer protection; e-commerce; unfair competition.