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Рр. 4 – 8
UDC 338.48
DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-12330-4-8
Marketing Strategy of Agrotourism Promotion in the Yaroslavl Region
Kolesov Roman Vladimirovich,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Deputy Director for Educational and Methodological Work, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Yaroslavl Branch; 12a Kooperativnaya St., Yaroslavl, Russia
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Belova Alina Dmitrievna,
student, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Yaroslavl Branch; 12a Kooperativnaya St., Yaroslavl, Russia
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Zabelina Anna Sergeevna,
student, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Yaroslavl Branch; 12a Kooperativnaya St., Yaroslavl, Russia
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The article is devoted to the study of prospects for the development of agrotourism in the regions of Russia. The paper analyzes the current state of agro-tourism in our country, identifies the main problems in this area, and develops recommendations for the development of marketing strategy. The authors consider agrotourism as an effective tool for the development of rural areas, preservation of cultural heritage and attraction of tourists, including foreign tourists. The paper presents the results of sociological research conducted among representatives of agritourism farms, tourists and the population. Based on the obtained data, practical recommendations for the development of agritourism, including the creation of favorable conditions for doing business, improving the quality of services, active promotion of agritourism in domestic and foreign markets are developed.
Keywords: agrotourism; region; tourism development; marketing; strategy; farms.
Рр. 9 – 12
UDC 338.012
DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-12330-9-12
An Approach to Marketing Management in Industrial Holdings in Unstable Conditions Based on the Development of an Adaptive System
Obotnina Anna Alexandrovna,
Applicant at Marketing Department, Russian University of Economics named after G. V. Plekhanov; 36 Stremyanny lane, Moscow, Russia
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The article presents the main provisions of the approach to the development of the marketing management system in industrial holdings, taking into account the current conditions of structural and parametric instability of the marketing environment. The peculiarity of the author’s approach is the proposal to form a marketing management in industrial integrated structures by developing an adaptive system. The approach is based on adaptive marketing principles as a strategic basis and an adaptive mechanism as an algorithm for adaptive marketing management. This article will describe the basic adaptive principles of marketing. The proposed approach will reduce the influence of uncertainty factors, develop marketing flexibility, openness and tolerance to change, and increase susceptibility to innovation and consumer preferences, which, in aggregate, will provide industrial holdings with market viability in the conditions of instability and dynamism of the market environment.
Keywords: marketing management; industrial marketing; corporate marketing; strategic marketing; adaptive marketing; uncertainty; industrial holding company; corporate structures.
Рр. 13 – 15
UDC 339.1
DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-12330-13-15
Applications of Ontologies in Internet Marketing
Kvasha Vladimir Aleksandrovich,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Director, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Yaroslavl branch; 12a Kooperativnaya st., Yaroslavl, Russia
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Larionov Valery Dmitrievich,
student, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Yaroslavl branch; 12a Kooperativnaya st., Yaroslavl, Russia
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Voevodina Elena Ivanovna,
Senior Lecturer, Yaroslavl State Technical University; 88 Moskovsky Prospekt, Yaroslavl, Russia
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The aim of the research is to analyse the areas of ontologies application in Internet marketing and to determine the expected effectiveness in these areas. In the article, based on the analysis of domestic and foreign literature sources, the key areas of ontologies application in Internet marketing are identified, including semantic content analysis, knowledge base construction, big data analysis, personalised advertising, search engine optimisation and chatbot development. As a result, the peculiarities of their practical implementation and the achieved cost-effectiveness are identified for each highlighted area of ontologies use. Despite the significant benefits of ontologies, challenges remain in terms of high implementation costs, development complexity and scalability. The study highlights the need to develop more adaptive and standardised tools to overcome these barriers, focusing on the role of ontologies in improving the quality of decision making based on properly structured data.
Keywords: ontology; ontological approach; internet marketing; big data; knowledge base.
Рр. 16 – 19
UDC 658.8:658.56
DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-12330-16-19
Cooperation of Marketing and Product Teams in the Development and Promotion of Products
Avinskaia Anna Valentinovna,
Regional Marketing Lead (Responsible for product marketing strategy in Malaysia and Singapore) at Garage Eight; 23/2 Varshavskaya st., St. Petersburg, Russia
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In a highly competitive marketplace, co-operation between marketing and product teams plays a key role in product development and promotion. This article explores the integration of marketing and product processes, emphasising the importance of synergies between teams to achieve successful commercial outcomes. Product marketing acts as a link between the stages of product development and product launch, bringing together the efforts of different departments to ensure that the product meets the expectations of the target audience and successfully promotes its benefits. The study examines modern methods that allow marketing and product teams within an organisation to interact effectively in the process of product development and promotion. The article provides recommendations for creating cohesive marketing plans based on in-depth market and target audience research to improve customer satisfaction and increase company revenues.
Keywords: revenue marketing; product marketing; product promotion; product and marketing teams co-operation.
Рр. 20 – 24
UDC 334.024
DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-12330-20-24
Research of Marketing Efficiency of Corporate Mass Media at the Enterprises of Defense-industrial Complex
Isaiko Elizaveta Aleksandrovna,
Postgraduate student of the V.P.Efremov Scientific and Educational Centre of VKO Almaz-Antey. V.P. Efremov Research and Education Centre; 41 Vereyskaya St., Moscow, Russia
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Within the framework of a large defence-industrial association, the results of a survey of managers of corporate publications and readership are analysed in order to identify the preferences of these groups of respondents in the content of publications and their distribution channels. Possible directions for improving the editorial policy in accordance with the implemented development programmes of enterprises and integrated structures of the military-industrial complex are formulated. Corporate publications are considered as a tool for implementing the marketing strategy of enterprises. The imbalance in the demand for the content of corporate publications on the part of the target audience and the proposed information content on the part of editorial boards of corporate media is revealed.
Keywords: corporate publications; information policy of the organization; communication channels; target audience survey.
Рр. 25 – 28
UDC 339.138
DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-12330-25-28
Essence and Implementation of Human-centered Marketing Strategy
Tyan Yana Vladimirovna,
postgraduate student of the Marketing Department of the Higher School of Management Faculty, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 49/2 Leningradsky Ave., Moscow, Russia
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Rozhkov Ilya Vyacheslavovich,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Marketing for Scientific Work, Faculty “Higher School of Management”, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 49/2 Leningradsky Ave., Moscow, Russia
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In a dynamically changing world, in order to remain competitive in the market, companies should find new approaches to doing business and revise the strategy of interaction with customers. Special attention should be paid to internal marketing (personnel marketing), as the way the organization treats its employees and the way employees understand the mission of the company and their mission in the company directly affects the quality of task performance, hence, the final product that is consumed by external customers. This article discusses the concept of person-centeredness as the next evolutionary step after product- and customer-centeredness. The human-centric approach based on satisfying not only basic but also emotional needs of customers allows organizations to establish deep and meaningful relationships with the target audience, and the internal staff is one of the main tools that reflect the ability of business to ensure a sustainable position in the market through the activation of the human-centric concept of marketing.
Keywords: human-centeredness; marketing strategy; internal marketing; customer-centeredness; personnel marketing.
Рр. 29 – 35
UDC 658.8; 338.486.2
DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-12330-29-35
Features and Effectiveness of Internet Marketing in the Sphere of Sanatorium-Resort Business
Akimov Dmitry Valeryevich,
Master’s student, Petrozavodsk State University; 33 Lenina Ave., Petrozavodsk, Russia
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Kolesnikova Natalia Vladimirovna,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Tourism Petrozavodsk State University; 33 Lenina Ave., Petrozavodsk, Russia
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The article considers specific features and challenges of Internet marketing in the sphere of health resort business. The factors influencing the effectiveness of marketing strategies of sanatoriums are analyzed, among which the following factors stand out: seasonality of demand, long purchase cycle, high competition and others. On the example of the clinic “Kivach” the key tools of internet marketing of the sanatorium and their importance (website, social networks, content marketing and advertising) are investigated. Recommendations for improving the effectiveness of Internet marketing of sanatoriums are offered, based on the basic tasks of optimizing the website, developing a content plan for social networks, using the tools of short videos, diversification of advertising channels and the use of performance evaluation metrics (key performance indicators). According to the results of the study, the conclusion is made about the need to develop and implement individual strategies of Internet marketing, taking into account the specifics of health resort business, to achieve maximum efficiency and attract the target audience.
Keywords: health resort business; marketing efficiency; Internet marketing tools; promotion.
Рр. 36 – 39
UDC 338.1
DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-12330-36-39
Improvement of Methodology of Management of the Pricing Process of Industries of Creative Cluster Economy: Scientific and Practical Approaches of Marketing Management
Lyubimenko Anna Igorevna,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Management Department, St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design; 18 Bolshaya Morskaya St., St. Petersburg, Russia
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Fursova Elena Alekseevna,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Political-Military Work, S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy; 6 Akademika Lebedeva str, St. Petersburg, Russia
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Yena Andrey Nikolaevich,
Applicant at Management and Marketing Department, Belgorod State National Research University; 85 Pobedy st., Belgorod, Russia
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The article contains the results of the author’s research of topical issues of improving the methodology of marketing management of the industry of creative cluster economy. Special attention is paid directly to the development of scientific and practical approaches in the field of management of the pricing process - price marketing-management. In the course of exploratory research the peculiarities of the creative sphere functioning are revealed, taking into account its role in the national economy, its share in the world economy, as well as the prospects for further development. The authors formulated general classification features of types of creative activity, identified problems of pricing policy of creative cluster. The substantiation of the fact that the pricing process for the products of creative sectors of the economy is based on the application of specific instruments of price influence is given. The study of the degree of influence of these factors on the effectiveness of the pricing process and the perception of price by consumers of creative goods and services determines the relevance and practical significance of the study.
Keywords: creative economy; creative industries; creative cluster; pricing; marketing management.
Рр. 40 – 43
UDC 338
DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-12330-40-43
Marketing Research of the Consumer Market of Protein Bars in Kuzbass
Popova Dina Gennadyevna,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Quality Management Department, Kemerovo State University; 6 Krasnaya St., Kemerovo, Russia
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Reznichenko Irina Yurievna,
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Biotechnology and Food Production, V.N. Poletskov State Agrarian University; 5 Markovtseva St., Kemerovo, Russia
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The article considers the structure of the assortment of protein, high-carbohydrate, protein-carbohydrate bars sold in the consumer market of Kemerovo. The research was based on the method of retail audit. During the analysis of the assortment structure the main directions of development of the consumer market of protein bars were revealed, and the possibility of improving the assortment by developing new types that meet consumer demand was determined. The given data have practical significance for trade enterprises interested in forming the structure of assortment corresponding to modern requirements of consumers. As recommendations it is possible to note expansion of assortment of bars at the expense of application of local vegetable high-protein and biologically valuable raw materials. For manufacturers as recommendations it is possible to offer to specify on individual marking the type of a bar that will facilitate the consumer choice of production.
Keywords: market of sports nutrition products; consumption of protein bars; market development; trends; market research; assortment structure.
Рр. 44 – 46
UDC 004
DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-12330-44-46
Inclusiveness as a vector of development of modern Internet marketing
Sirbiladze Ketevan Kitayevna,
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Financial Technologies, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 49, Leningradsky Prospekt, Moscow, Russia
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The article discusses the need for inclusiveness in digital marketing in the context of the importance of the impact that accessible digital content has on people with disabilities, emphasizing not only economic and legal but also ethical aspects. The author discusses practical methods that enable internet marketing to become more accessible to people with disabilities. In addition, the article emphasizes the role of innovative technologies in making Internet marketing more accessible to such individuals. The author focuses on those methods that enhance the adaptation of persons with disabilities in the digital environment, particularly in the field of Internet marketing. This information can be used not only in business, but also to improve educational processes in higher education institutions in the context of adaptation of persons with disabilities.
Keywords: inclusiveness; Internet marketing; visualization; digital accessibility; business promotion.
Рр. 47 – 50
UDC 658.1:005.21
DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-12330-47-50
Methodological Approach in Strategic Management of Development of Small Enterprises in the Sphere of Software Development
Skvortsova Natalia Aleksandrovna,
PhD in Economics, associate professor of the Department of information management named after prof. V.V. Dik, Moscow University for Industry and Finance «Synergy»; 7 Khlebozavodsky proezd, Moscow, Russia
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Zakharov Alexander Viktorovich,
PhD in Economics, associate professor of the Department of information management named after prof. V.V. Dik, Dean of the Faculty of information technologies, Moscow University for Industry and Finance «Synergy»; 7 Khlebozavodsky proezd, Moscow, Russia
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Prilepsky Ivan Anatolyevich,
Postgraduate student, faculty of Business, Moscow University for Industry and Finance «Synergy»; 2 Izmailovsky Val St., Moscow, Russia
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The article is devoted to the study of the basics of strategic management of the development of small enterprises specializing in software development. In the conditions of digital transformation of the economy these enterprises play a key role in the creation of innovative products and technologies, which requires the introduction of modern approaches to their management. The paper reveals the theoretical aspects of strategic planning, emphasizes the importance of flexibility and adaptability in management decision-making. The authors consider tools and methods that contribute to competitiveness, including SWOT-analysis, Agile-methodology and innovative growth models. Special attention is paid to practical recommendations for forming strategies that take into account the specifics of the software segment: high dynamics of change, staff shortages, product creation, and the importance of cooperation in IT market ecosystems. The research is focused on providing small businesses with effective management mechanisms aimed at sustainable development and strengthening their competitive position in the face of global market challenges.
Keywords: small business; IT industry; strategic management; innovation strategies; software development; competitiveness.
Рр. 51 – 54
UDC 339.18
DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-12330-51-54
Digital Marketing Transformation Using AI: Experience of Leading Companies
Gavrilina Oksana Viktorovna,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Public Administration, Ulyanovsk Branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation; 140 Radishcheva st., Ulyanovsk, Russia This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Semushkina Minel Alayiddinovna,
Master’s student, Faculty of Technological Management and Innovation, National Research University ITMO; 49 Kronverksky Prospekt, St. Petersburg, Russia
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Semushkin Nikita Sergeevich,
Master’s student, Faculty of Technological Management and Innovation, National Research University ITMO; 49 Kronverksky Prospekt, St. Petersburg, Russia This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This study is related to the issue of using artificial intelligence in digital marketing. We analyzed trends that are now actively used in the information field (neural networks, algorithms of recommendation systems, machine learning). Cases of successful implementation of AI-developments in digital-marketing processes were considered. The article concludes with the results of analyzing the experience of companies in the Russian and international market, and provides recommendations on the use of tools that involve the application of artificial intelligence in work not only in the marketing environment, but also in general in various professional areas of activity.
Keywords: digital marketing; artificial intelligence; digital marketing tools; personalization; trends; ChatGPT; CGI; content marketing.
Рр. 55 – 59
UDC 339.138
DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-12330-55-59
Features of Promoting Legal Services in Media and Social Networks
Ilyashenko Svetlana Borisovna,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Base Department of Trade Policy, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; 36, Stremyanny lane, Moscow, Russia
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The article attempts to distinguish the specific features and theoretical aspects of the promotion of legal and lawyer services in the media and social networks. The key differences between the promotion of legal services provided on a commercial basis and qualified legal assistance, which is non-commercial in nature and regulated by strict ethical norms, are considered. The main difficulties associated with the promotion of legal services are identified. The debatable nature of legal services promotion in modern realities is emphasized, indicating the relevance of the considered problems and its theoretical and practical value. Special attention is paid to the consideration of specific features of marketing activities of lawyers and bar associations in the promotion of their own services, which expresses the consistency of “cautious” and “dry” approach to promotion. The essence of promotion of lawyers’ services in the media and social networks is limited by their informational and educational nature (in the context of published content), the need to gradually build business reputation, the formation of a trustworthy image and the use of SEO-optimization, independent legal ratings, personal pages in social networks. It is highlighted that within each of the promotion channels and tools, special attention should be paid to neutrality and ethical correctness of marketing. The results of the study will be useful to law firms, bar associations and private practicing attorneys interested in promoting their services in an environment of professional and ethical standards.
Keywords: marketing of legal and lawyer services; social networks; personal brand as a promotion tool; mass media as a channel of legal services promotion.
Рр. 60 – 64
UDC 339.138
DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-12330-60-64
QR codes as an instrument of innovative marketing communications
Popova Tatiana Sergeevna,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at Economics and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines Department, Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»; 73/ 94 Lenin Str., Volgodonsk, Russia
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Kondrakhin Anton Viktorovich,
Applicant at Management and Marketing Department, Belgorod State National Research University; 85, Pobedy St., Belgorod, Russia
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Novikov Kirill Aleksandrovich,
Applicant at Management and Marketing Department, Belgorod State National Research University; 85, Pobedy St., Belgorod, Russia
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For modern businesses operating in a highly volatile digital world, it is very important to achieve efficiency in the marketing strategies implemented. The intensity of using mobile technologies as an interactive marketing tool leads to a simpler and faster interaction between a business and its target audience. Among many marketing tools that have appeared and gained popularity for the last years it is often possible to meet the use of QR codes. In practice they are easily integrated into the marketing activity of the organization, allowing to work more effectively with the mobile part of consumers in real time. In spite of all the advantages such as: bridging the gap between offline and online channels, optimization and simplification of the process of tracking and measuring the results of marketing campaigns, increase of consumers’ involvement, it can be noted that QR codes are still not widely spread in advertising communications. In this connection there is every reason to believe that QR codes will be soon applied not only as a way of obligatory marking of production, but will also contribute to the increase of conversion due to the fact that they will help to attract a buyer, who is surrounded by a lot of traditional channels of marketing communications, which are boring to his eyes. The purpose of the article is to illustrate the importance and advantages of QR codes in the realization of the digital marketing strategy.
Keywords: digital marketing; marketing communications; QR codes; coveting; online interaction channel; loyalty.