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Рр. 4 – 7


UDC 338.124

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-9327-4-7


Marketing complex of the university as a means of promoting educational programs


Voronova Svetlana Petrovna,

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at Department of Economics and Management in Construction, Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University; 9 Moskovsky Av., St. Petersburg, Russia

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Osadchaya Svetlana Mikhaylovna,

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Management and Markting Department, Belgorod State National Research University; 85 Pobeda St., Belgorod, Russia

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Beresnev Dmitry Nikolayevich,

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for International Activities and Additional Education, Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Exploration University; 23 Miklukho-Maklaya St., Moscow, Russia

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The purpose of the study is to analyze domestic and foreign experience in creating and implementing the marketing complex of the university in order to improve its competitiveness. Based on the analysis, a list of elements with the description of the content and assignment of responsibility to the officials of the educational institution was proposed. The result of the research, possessing scientific novelty, is the model of marketing complex, adapted to the conditions of FSBEU VO PSUPS. The main components of the proposed model are: development of educational products; formation of pricing policy and strategy; creation of homogeneous user experience; ensuring a positive experience at each point of contact with the university; positioning in the market and promotion of educational programs taking into account the needs of target audiences.


Keywords: marketing complex; university; marketing promotion; educational programs; competitiveness; positioning.



Рр. 8 – 11

UDC 621.56

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-9327-8-11


Analysis of Realization of Basic Components of Refrigeration Equipment (Heat Exchangers) on the Example of a Small Enterprise


Mayorov Sergey Gennadyevich,

postgraduate student, Faculty of Business, Moscow Financial and Industrial University «SINERGIA»; 9/14 Meshchanskaya St., Moscow, Russia

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The article deals with the issues of realization of basic components of refrigeration equipment by a small enterprise. The most sold samples of air coolers, condensers and heat exchangers in the domestic market are determined, taking into account their demand in the domestic market. Based on the average of the number of the above-mentioned components sold and their cost for 2021, 2022, and 2023, the return on sales in terms of gross profit for each type of air coolers, condensers, and heat exchangers is calculated. It is revealed that there is an increase in sales of air coolers, condensers and heat exchangers in the domestic market not only at the present time but also in the medium term.


Keywords: air cooler; condenser; heat exchanger; sales profitability; trend in sales realization.



UDC 339.138

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-9327-12-17


Peculiarities of the Mandatory Audit Market in Russian and International Practice


Lyubofeev Vladimir Dmitrievich,

PhD in Economics, Auditor of Audit Without Borders LLC; 268, Kommunarov Str., Krasnodar, Russia

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The article studies the dynamics of the mandatory audit market in the Russian Federation for 2016–2023 and the main factors affecting it, and suggests ways to improve the efficiency of the audit performance of its macroeconomic function. The dynamics of the mandatory audit market in the Russian Federation is determined by three key factors: the categories of organizations subject to audit, the number of organizations of each category and the average cost of audit services. A comparative study of the categories of organizations subject to mandatory audit in the Russian Federation and the leading countries in terms of GDP, including publicly important organizations, was carried out. We also studied the dynamics of the ratio of auditors’ income to the revenue of audited entities as an indicator of the economic value of audit for clients. The mandatory audit market in the Russian Federation has been stagnating steadily over 2016–2023. The categories of organizations subject to mandatory audit in the Russian Federation generally correspond to the global practice, but the economic value of audit for clients is not the same for different market segments. The RF Ministry of Finance does not publish data on the quantitative composition of various categories of organizations subject to mandatory audit and the ratio of auditors’ income to the revenue of audited entities. Collection and publication by the Ministry of Finance of the above information, its analysis and adjustment on its basis of the categories of organizations subject to compulsory audit will improve the efficiency of the audit of its macroeconomic function.


Keywords: statutory audit services market; economic value of audit; marketing characteristic of compulsory audit; audit of public interest entity.



Рр. 18 – 22


UDC 33.2964

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-9327-18-22


Features of Consumer-making Decision at the Stage of Transition to Awareness of the Need for the «Window of Inspiration»


Puchkov Dmitry Mikhailovich,

Head of commercial marketing, ZAO AkzoNobel Decor, 2nd year graduate student of Moscow Financial-Industrial University «Synergy»; 80, Leningradsky Prospekt, Moscow, Russia

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This article discusses the consumer stimulation on the consumer at the initial stage pf making a purchase decision at the stage before realizing the need. Based on the synthesis of approaches to optimal consumer choice and balance the concept of an «inspiration window» is proposed for the consumer stage before making a purchase decision. The decision-making algorithm of J. Angel and the stage of transition to awareness of the need are considered. Using the example of the paintwork market and Yandex wordstat system based on the semantic core of transactional and direct queries, the probability of the seller’s entry into the «window of inspiration» is considered. The types and rules of making a purchase decision by the consumer and the possibility of influencing them by the manufacturer and distributor are considered.


Keywords: сonsumer behavior; consumer choice; sales promotion; inspiration window.



Рр. 23 – 29


UDC 339.133

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-9327-23-29


Organization of an Effective Advertising Campaign to Promote Film Products


Sheynina Maryana Alexandrovna,

PhD in Economics, senior lecturer of the Department of Advertising and Public Relations in the Media Industry, Moscow Polytechnic University; 38 Bolshaya Semyonovskaya St., Moscow, Russia

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The article analyzes the main aspects of film promotion. Considerable attention is paid to the formation of an effective media mix, which allows to solve the main tasks during the period of the film’s release in distribution, namely to form consumer awareness and intention to go to the movie. The author identifies the peculiarities of film products as an object of promotion and formulates recommendations for promotion taking into account the specifics of the film industry. Considerable attention is paid to determining the optimal period of the promotional campaign by phases of the campaign, formation of media mix and determination of the necessary media weight for effective promotion. The author generalizes practical experience in promoting film products.


Keywords: marketing of the film market; audience; promotion of film products; marketing communications; media mix; media planning; promotion on the Internet.



Рр. 30 – 34


UDC 658.8

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-9327-30-34


Using Artificial Intelligence to Increase the Effectiveness of Strategies in Digital Marketing


Kolmogorova Valeriia Igorevna,

Certified Advertising Specialist, Marketing Expert, Outsourced Marketing Director; 3 Kushelevskaya Road, Bldg 2, Lit. A, St. Petersburg, Russia

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Mudrova Inessa Dmitryevna,

Certified Specialist in Producing, Marketing Expert, Content Creator; 53, 3-rd Shosseinaya Str., Vladivostok, Russia

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Shishlyannikova Darya Andreyevna,

Certified Specialist in Economics, Marketing Expert, Founder and Head of KIOSKO Agency; 32 Trubnaya Str., Bldg. 4, Moscow, Russia

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The article is devoted to the research of trends and concepts of artificial intelligence application to increase the digital marketing strategy effectiveness. The article considers the fundamental role of the economy digitalization and the spread of digital technologies, which provide the growing importance of digital marketing in modern business. Particular attention is paid to complex digital marketing strategies implemented with artificial intelligence technologies (understood as a combination of large language models, neural networks and machine learning algorithms) to achieve competitive advantage and optimize marketing activities. Key concepts of artificial intelligence application are identified and described: personalization through artificial intelligence, intellectualization of targeting; content generation and integrated content-marketing planning through artificial intelligence; research and analysis of consumer behavior; research and market analysis, competitors with subsequent decision-making on optimization of marketing strategies; forecasting of market trends, demand, campaign management; automation of marketing and marketing campaigns; research and analysis of the results achieved by marketing campaigns, identification of cause-effect relation; research and identification of problems related to marketing, optimization. Special attention is paid to practical recommendations for improving the effectiveness of digital marketing strategies using artificial intelligence technologies.


Keywords: digital marketing strategies; marketing automation; artificial intelligence for content generation and targeting.



Рр. 35 – 36


UDC 338.465.2

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-9327-35-36


Classification of Services for the Formation and Enhancement of Business Reputation in the Context of the Organization Life Cycle Theory


Matushkin Vitaly Viktorovich,

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Innovative Oil and Gas Production Technologies, Perm National Research Polytechnic University; 15, Borchaninova St., Perm, Russia

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The article presents possible criteria for the classification of services related to the formation and improvement of business reputation of economic entities. As one of the main classification criteria, the author singles out the gradation of the studied services in terms of the life cycle of the organization, characterizing in more detail the features of individual stages.


Keywords: business reputation; services for the formation and development of business reputation; economy of the service sector.



Рр. 37 – 41


UDC 658.8:004.738.5

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-9327-37-41


Strategies for Creating New Consumer Habits in the Digital Age


Anikina Ekaterina Viktorovna,

master’s degree in International Business Administration, MGIMO, Global Brand Development Director; 700 Sylvan Ave, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA

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The study aims to analyze strategies for forming new consumer habits in the digital age. Using a comprehensive review of behavioral psychology theories and digital marketing practices, the theoretical underpinnings of habit formation and their application in the digital context were explored. The study focuses on two key strategies: personalization and the use of social media. Findings show that effective habit formation depends on integrating personalized marketing approaches with the influence of social media and influencer marketing. Personalization uses data analytics and machine learning to create customized experiences, while social media platforms serve as powerful tools to spread and reinforce new habits. The study concludes that a holistic approach that combines technological innovation with a deep understanding of consumer motivations is essential for successful habit formation. This study contributes to this field by providing a synthesis of traditional behavioral theories and advanced digital strategies, offering practical insights for businesses and marketers in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.


Keywords: consumer habits; digital marketing; personalization; social media; influencer marketing; behavioral psychology; habit formation; customer engagement; data analytics; omnichannel strategy.



Рр. 42 – 44


UDC 339.138:796/799

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-9327-42-44


The Impact of Contextual Advertising on the Promotion of Trailrunning Competitions


Myakishev Denis Vitalyevich,

postgraduate student of management, Faculty of Sports Industry, Moscow Financial-Industrial University «Synergy»; 9/14, Meshchanskaya St., Moscow, Russia

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The article considers the role of contextual advertising in the popularization of trailrunning competitions (a sport discipline involving running on natural terrain at a free pace or as part of a competition). Contextual advertising is a common tool for promotion on the Internet. It not only attracts the attention of amateur athletes, but also contributes to the formation of long-term relationships with partners and sponsors of competitions. This paper analyzes the theoretical and practical aspects of the use of contextual advertising in the organization of competitions in trailrunning.


Keywords: contextual advertising; trailrunning; competitions; sports marketing.



Рр. 45 – 48


UDC 338.124

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-9327-45-48


Mentoring in Higher Education as an Effective Tool of Educational Marketing


Beresnev Dmitry Nikolayevich,

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for International Activities and Additional Education, Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Exploration University; 23 Miklukho-Maklaya St., Moscow, Russia

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Volgina Svetlana Vasilievna,

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at Economics and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines Department, Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»; 73/ 94 Lenin Str., Volgodonsk, Russia

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In today’s conditions of constant changes in the system of Russian education, as well as a rather tough competition between higher education institutions for applicants, the issue of forming the image and good name of the university is especially relevant. Due to the fact that all educational institutions by definition are socially oriented organizations, their target orientations lie in the plane of satisfaction of public needs. For the most effective achievement of such goals, to increase public loyalty to an educational institution, it is advisable to use the tools of socio-ethical marketing. Mentoring can be considered as one of its methods, which proved its positive value in practice. The paper considers the peculiarities of mentoring in higher education, defines its types, forms, methods and functionality; identifies the conditions of effective functioning of the mentoring institute, as well as assesses the associated risks.


Keywords: marketing in education; competitiveness; mentoring in higher education; loyalty; social and ethical marketing.