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Рр. 4 – 14


UDC 339.35

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-5323-4-14


Social Networks as a Tool for Effective Promotion of Commercial Organization (on the Example of Individual Entrepreneur Korban I.I., Artem city, Primorsky Krai)


Zhokhova Valentina Vladimirovna,

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Marketing and Commerce Department, Vladivostok State University; 41 Gogol Str., Vladivostok, Russia

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Sapchenko Nadezhda Yurievna,

student of Marketing and Commerce Department, Vladivostok State University; 41 Gogol Str., Vladivostok, Russia

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In today’s highly competitive environment, the ability to quickly adapt to changing requirements and quickly implement new effective promotion strategies is becoming more and more important. Thanks to social networks there is a large number of opportunities to attract consumers, which makes them an indispensable marketing tool. The article presents a study of social networks as a business promotion tool. The proposed recommendations can be applied by any company whose sphere of activity is similar to the organization described in the article.


Keywords: social networks; promotion in social networks; SMM; methods of research of promotion in social networks; methods of promotion in social networks.



Рр. 15 – 20


UDC 339.13

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-5323-15-20


Analysis of the Microenvironment of the Russian Market of Nuts and Dried Fruits


Tyurin Dmitry Valeryevich,

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 49, Leningradsky Prospekt, Moscow, Russia

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Bogomolov Danila Alexandrovich,

Student, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 49, Leningradsky Prospekt, Moscow, Russia

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The article is devoted to the analysis of the main players in the Russian market of nuts and dried fruits using Michael Porter’s five-factor competition model. This research is aimed at identifying the main market and consumption trends, key threats related to intra-industry competition, emergence of new players, indirect competition with substitute products, assessment of the influence of suppliers and consumers on the market participants. The market shares of nuts and dried fruits market, revenue and assortment level of its key players have been estimated.


Keywords: snacks; nuts; dried fruits; M. Porter’s five-factor model of competitiveness; microenvironment; consumer preferences; competitive analysis; breadth and depth of assortment; HoReCa market.



Рр. 21 – 29


UDC 339.332

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-5323-21-29


SMM as Effective Technologies for Promoting Construction Services (on the Example of Sazheni LLC, Vladivostok)


Zhokhova Valentina Vladimirovna,

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Marketing and Commerce Department, Vladivostok State University; 41 Gogol Str., Vladivostok, Russia

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Zhukova Arina Alexandrovna,

student of Marketing and Commerce Department, Vladivostok State University; 41 Gogol Str., Vladivostok, Russia

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The modern world is developing rapidly, leaving little time for a person to adapt to the ever-evolving technologies. The advertising market has changed over the past decade, but not every consumer and manufacturer has had time to adapt to the new requirements. Online promotion and the possibilities of SMM-technologies become relevant, as they are considered to be minimally costly, but effective. Today in the construction industry there are a large number of companies that are looking for effective ways to promote their products and services. To stand out among many other companies, a construction firm needs to offer something special. In the work the essence and concept of SMM-technologies have been considered, methods of evaluation of their capabilities have been studied, organizational and economic characteristics of LLC «Sazheni» have been given, competitive analysis of communities of the sphere of construction services has been carried out, analysis of target audience has been carried out and recommendations on online promotion of products of this company have been developed.


Keywords: social networks; marketing communications; Internet; competition; online promotion; advertising; SMM technologies.



Рр. 30 – 35


UDC 339.138

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-5323-30-35


The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Storytelling in the Implementation of Brand Communication Strategy


Yakovleva Alexandra Andreyevna,

 Master’s Student, «Innovative Marketing» Program at Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations of ITMO National Research University; 49 Kronverksky Pr., liter A, St. Petersburg, Russia

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Soldatova Anastasia Vladimirovna,

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, FullTime Associate Professor at Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations of ITMO National Research University; 49 Kronverksky Pr., liter A, St. Petersburg, Russia

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The article contains the history of the emergence and development of storytelling as a set of tools for interacting with target audiences through the creation and broadcasting of stories. An analysis of the prospects of training non-storytellers on big data to better identify the needs of the target audience is carried out. The idea that the interaction of marketers with artificial intelligence in the process of creating a story makes this process more effective, allowing to build a trusting relationship between the client and the brand through archetypes, avoiding direct advertising, is substantiated. As a result, a unique algorithm for a marketer to work with artificial intelligence to create a story that hits the target audience’s queries as closely as possible is highlighted and characterized. Such a story allows scaling a customized approach to creating stories at different stages of the sales funnel to enhance interaction with different segments of the target audience.


Keywords: storytelling; story; artificial intelligence; neural network; digitalization; target audience; interaction; marketing; segmentation.



Рр. 36 – 43


UDC 658.8

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-5323-36-43


Russian FMCG Products Expansion in CIS Region Possibility on Case of Shampoos


Vinokurov Alexander Yurievich,

Master’s degree student of Marketing Department, Peoples Friendship University of Russia; 6, Miklukh-Maklaya St., Moscow, Russia

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Zhilenko Anna Sergeevna,

student of Credit Theory and Financial Management Departments, St. Petersburg State University; 7/9, Universitetskaya emb., St. Petersburg, Russia

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The Russian economy has been actively rebuilding over the past two years amidst western sanctions. Entrepreneurs are increasingly leaning towards the eastern market, increasing both imports and exports of products. Given the constant desire of enterprises to expand their customer base and the saturation of the local market, the entry of new goods and services into the CIS countries tends to be the most conducive strategy for the development of almost any business. This article examines the regional cosmetic market and answers the question: «What kind of care product and in which CIS countries should Russian entrepreneurs produce?» An analysis of the beauty market of Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and a study of the target audience of the shampoo brand proposed for launch in the mentioned CIS countries were carried out.


Keywords: brand; cosmetics; shampoos; Kazakhstan; Uzbekistan.



Рр. 44 – 50


UDC 339.138

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-5323-44-50


Approach to Customer Experience Management of Phygital Brands Based on the Knowledge Ecosystem Concept


Kuvshinov Roman Anatolyevich,

Master’s student, Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations, ITMO University; 11/2 Tchaikovsky St., Saint Petersburg, Russia

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Solovyova Dina Vitalyevna,

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations, ITMO University; 11/2 Tchaikovsky St., Saint Petersburg, Russia

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The article proposes a new approach to customer experience management based on the knowledge ecosystem approach, which allows brands to take a fresh look at the processes of interaction with the consumer. The developed method helps to move from classical experience management to knowledge management using a number of adapted and author’s models. For example, the «INFO» model serves to identify strategic alternatives for consumer experience knowledge management, and the «Knowledge Pyramid» acts as a tool for designing subsequent brand communications. The object of the study is phygital-brands as the most capable of such transformation, as they have sufficient innovation potential and aggregate a large amount of knowledge.


Keywords: customer experience management; knowledge ecosystem; knowledge management; phygital; branding; brand communications.



Рр. 51 – 57


UDC 339.138

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-5323-51-57


Designing the Identity of an Inspirational Brand in the Field of Theater Arts


Skorokhod Ekaterina Aleksandrovna,

Master’s student, Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations, ITMO University; 11/2 Tchaikovsky St., Saint Petersburg, Russia

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Solovyova Dina Vitalyevna,

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations, ITMO University; 11/2 Tchaikovsky St., Saint Petersburg, Russia

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The article presents the author’s method of brand formation and promotion based on the concept of inspiration marketing, the main idea of which is the ability of the brand with its ideas, atmosphere, evoked emotions to inspire the consumer, to create a strong connection with him, to form high loyalty and strengthen the place of the brand in the life of its target audience. The method includes an algorithm of work on the study of the brand, its environment and target audience, goal-setting, formation of brand-inspired identity, strategic and tactical decisions with the use of author’s models. The method is well adaptable to the needs of brands of different fields and can be used in working with both theater brands and brands not related to the sphere of art. The paper also presents the approbation of the developed method on the brand of children’s theater workshop «Cactus».


Keywords: branding; inspiration marketing; theater brand; strategic marketing; brand atmosphere; brand identity; brand-inspired.



Рр. 58 – 63


UDC 338.124

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-5323-58-63


Marketing Approach to the Organization of Career Guidance Work in a University


Voronova Svetlana Petrovna,

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at Department of Economics and Management in Construction, Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University; 9 Moskovsky Av., St. Petersburg, Russia

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Astakhin Alexander Stanislavovich,

PhD in Economics, Postgraduate Student at Management and Marketing Department, Belgorod State National Research University; 85 Pobeda St., Belgorod, Russia

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Osadchaya Svetlana Mikhaylovna,

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at Management and Marketing Department, Belgorod State National Research University; 85 Pobeda St., Belgorod, Russia

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The purpose of the article is to study the main directions of career guidance work of the university, highlighting the weak and strong sides. Based on the analysis, to propose more effective options for working with future applicants, using a marketing approach to the organization of recruiting. The article deals with the issues of large-scale changes in the field of education, which require a new look at the process of involving young people in educational, research, educational and career guidance activities. The analysis of statistical data presented in the study revealed the peculiarities of career guidance work at a separate faculty of St. Petersburg State University of Railway Transport of Emperor Alexander I. Taking into account the specifics and duration of the educational cycle, the plan of work on the recruitment of applicants with division by months is proposed. In order to increase the attractiveness of this type of activity for university employees, it is recommended to evaluate career guidance work in points, depending on the type of workload realized.


Keywords: career guidance work; marketing approach; digitalization; applicants; recruiting; educational environment; promotion channels; development strategy.



Рр. 64 – 69


UDC 339,13

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-5323-64-69


Tendencies in Marketing of the Other Vehicle Marketing Market in the Sanctionary Pressure Period


Yergalieva Yevgenia Valerievna,

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at Economics and Marketing Department, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov; 77 Politekhnicheskaya St., Saratov, Russia

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Kublin Igor Mikhailovich,

Doctor of Economics, Professor at Economics and Marketing Department, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov; 77 Politekhnicheskaya St., Saratov, Russia

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Voronov Alexander Alexandrovich,

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor at Logistics and Commercial Work Department, Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University; 9 Moskovsky Av., St. Petersburg, Russia

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The article contains analytical material on the debatable problem of automobile market development in Russia. The peculiarities of its functioning in the difficult sanctions period are revealed. The problems affecting the decline in car sales during the period of sanctions, disruptions in the logistics of supply of cars and their components are considered, the reasons for the decline are determined and the state of the market in the conditions of the resulting deficit is analyzed. The comparison of car deliveries to the country of various foreign manufacturers is carried out, and the positive and negative consequences of the withdrawal of automobile products of well-known foreign companies from the market are considered. The influence of Chinese manufacturers on the domestic market is analyzed, as well as the problems are systematized and the forecast of development of the Russian automobile market is given.


Keywords: brand; cars; market; parallel import; demand; dealer networks.



Рр. 70 – 76


UDC 339.35

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-5323-70-76


Using big data to improve the effectiveness of go-to-market strategies


Baryshkov Kirill Vasilyevich,

Master of Financial Management, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 49, Leningradsky Prospekt, Moscow, Russia

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This paper examines the impact of big data on go-to-market strategies in digital commerce. Using machine learning algorithms such as k-means clustering and decision trees, the study describes how big data improves go-to-market strategies by improving market segmentation, optimizing marketing channels, and personalizing customer interactions. The results of the study show that big data facilitates data-driven decision-making by enabling accurate market analysis, segmentation and trend forecasting. This emphasizes the importance of integrating big data into GTM strategies to gain competitive advantage and sustainable growth in the digital marketplace. This contribution to the academic discourse emphasizes the role of big data in transforming GTM strategies by providing practical insights for strategic marketing through big data analytics.


Keywords: big data; digital commerce; machine learning; market segmentation; marketing channel optimization; predictive analytics; adoption; sustainable growth.



Рр. 77 – 84


UDC 658.8

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2024-5323-77-84


Method of Brand Formation and Development Based on the Concept of Open Marketing


Kaygorodova Alisa Dmitrievna,

Master’s student, Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations, ITMO University; 11/2 Tchaikovsky St., Saint Petersburg, Russia

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Solovyova Dina Vitalyevna,

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations, ITMO University; 11/2 Tchaikovsky St., Saint Petersburg, Russia

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In today’s competitive environment, companies are increasingly realizing the importance of conducting their business transparently and building open communications. In an era of digital overload and information availability, consumers are becoming more demanding, and brands can only gain trust by building sincere and honest relationships. Open marketing can help brands come to understand their consumers. The article considers its basic principles, reveals the results of qualitative and quantitative research on studying the effectiveness of the method of formation and development of brands based on the concept of open marketing. The relevance of the study lies in the use of open marketing as a new method of formation and development of brands, which has not been previously studied in scientific works in this subject area. The results of the study were tested on several companies, which allowed to assess the viability of the method.


Keywords: branding; open marketing; open brand; brand perception; consumer behavior; promotion strategy.