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Evaluation of Russian Universities Brand Awareness in the International Education Market Using Social Network Metrics
Promotion of the brand of Russian education is effective only in a combination with the development and promotion of individual brands of Russian universities. The starting point of this promotion is the assessment of the brand’s recognition on the international education market. This allows to enhance positioning and targeting of university’s brand in the subject areas and within the parent brand «Russian education». The most popular method for assessing universities’ reputation - the world rankings of universities (QS, THE) is not effective for evaluating university brands. The methodologies of rankings’ surveys have the following limitations: they do not include potential students, an important part of the target audience, calculate the average metrics for the period of the previous 4 years that reduces the relevance of the metrics to the present position of the University. Measuring the recognition of universities’ brands in social networks by analytical metrics provides the researches with practically real-time data generated by the general target audience as well as by individual target groups and subgroups. The main indicator of brand awareness in this case is the engagement metrics that includes all actions by users with the information generated by the university («likes», following and sharing of posts). Analysis of the statistics obtained by the advertising campaign promoting International Competition “Open Doors”: Russian Scholarship Project shows that interest of the target audience (foreign citizens aged 17–30 years) to universities’ brands is mainly generated by web-activity of universities. The feedback from graduates or scientometric indicators is subject of the less importance to the foreign potential students. Now the average indicator of engagement (active interaction of users with publications about universities) for Russian universities is still at a low level (0.4%), reaching 1 and 2% for the leaders of the survey.
Keywords: university brand; social networks; world rankings of universities (QS, THE); export potential of the Russian education system.
Research of Development Tendencies of the Regional Market of Automobile Passenger Transportation (Nakhodka, Primorsky Krai)
The article studies the state and direction of development of road passenger transportation in Nakhodka, on the basis of the survey of participants of the market using questionnaires. Currently, the organization of transportation of passengers is the key to the successful functioning of the transport system of the city. But, like any process, the transportation of passengers by road transport is faced with various problems, which reduces the level of public service. In these conditions, the urgency of identifying and assessing the factors that affect the satisfaction of consumers with the quality of the services provided increases. In the study of the transport operators were recommended measures to improve organization of road passenger transportation in Nakhodka, which should help increase the efficiency of these enterprises, provide them with a competitive existence, and to optimize transport system of the city as a whole.
Keywords: transportation study; road transport; passenger transport; passenger transport market; marketing research.
Formation of a System for Managing Factors of Products Consumer Attractiveness at Special and Transport Engineering Enterprises
The approach to the management system building of transport and special machinery production competitiveness is described in the article. It is stated that it is expedient to build consumer appeal differentiators management system based on communicative competitiveness indexes because of the high cost of transport and special machinery production. The suggested management system structure consists of four components: managerial body (head of an enterprise), object of management (complex of structures that create elements of integrated products), feedback structure, stimulating structure for competitive integrated product design. The main idea of the system presented in the article is to connect certain specificity of integrated product (integrated product’s consumer appeal factors) with appropriate production structure. In the result, employees are focused on gaining a competitive rate of product characteristics controlled by them.
Keywords: consumer appeal differentiators; competitiveness support system; transport and special machinery; integrated product; competitiveness index.
Investigation of the Perspective Direction of Expansion of the Meat Pates Assortment in the Regional Market (Primorsky Krai)
Today pates hold a specific place in the Russian market of canned meat. In article the range of meat pates in the market of the Vladivostok is in details analyzed. Using the survey method, a marketing study was conducted regarding the choice of meat pates by respondents (students) aged 18 to 25 years. Statistical analysis of data with subsequent presentation of results and their interpretation is carried out. The prospects of using non-traditional types of raw materials, new kinds of meat pates of a functional purpose with the use of hydrobionts of the Sea of Japan as additional raw materials are considered. Recommendations are given to meat processing companies on the use in the production of meat pates of animal and plant raw materials of a functional orientation to maintain and strengthen the physical health and activity of modern young people.
Keywords: meat pates; development trends; meat processing companies; marketing research; consumer preferences; meat industry; assortment formation; vegetable additives; meat raw materials.
Measurement of Consumer Value to Fast Food Products
Customer satisfaction – the main purpose of the formation of values enterprises offer. The purpose of this study is to measure the value of the consumer value of catering products based on a modified multi-attributive commodity Lambin’s model. We have established a connection between consumer preferences, consumer values and the model of the product of public catering. The construct of the multiattributive model of the catering product was formed based on two models: the Lambin’s product model and the FAMM model, which describes the service of public catering enterprises in five aspects: product, space, relations (relations), atmosphere and management. Approbation was carried out by a questionnaire survey of consumers of catering services in the fast food segment (the sample size of 245 respondents). The research conducted made it possible to determine the value of the consumer value of KFC, Burger King, Hesburger and Royal Burger, interpret the consumer preferences in the context of the multi-attributive commodity model (functional level, peripheral properties and added services). The results of the research will be useful to professional participants of the market of catering services, as they reveal potential points of development of relations with consumers.
Keywords: consumer preferences; consumer value; food product; perception; consumer.