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Pp. 3 — 9

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2022-7304-3-9
The Impact of Cultural Values on the Ethical Behavior of Russian and Chinese Youth and Their Perception of NIKE and KFC Brands

Noskova Elena Viktorovna, School of Economics and Management, Far Easter Federal University; Russky Island, 10 Ajax Bay, Vladivostok, Russia, 690922 (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Romanova Irina Matveevna, School of Economics and Management, Far Easter Federal University; Russky Island, 10 Ajax Bay, Vladivostok, Russia, 690922 (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Assessing the influence of cultural values on the ethical behavior of consumers is a promising area of research in marketing. Companies are increasingly aware of their social responsibility and demonstrate their corporate values to consumers. The subject of the research is the development of a methodological approach to measuring the influence of cultural values on the perception of Nike and KFC brands by Russian and Chinese youth. The authors propose an approach to the study of the cultural characteristics of the economic behavior of consumers at the intersection of cultural studies, psychology, and marketing. Within the framework of this study, a theoretical research model was developed, measurement constructs were substantiated, and an empirical study of Russian and Chinese youth was carried out. As a result, matrices of the influence of cultural values on ethical behavior were calculated. Regression models were constructed to characterize the impact of cultural value types on the perception of Nike and KFC brands. The results of the study can be used to develop measures to increase the attractiveness of brands.

Pp. 10 — 16

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2022-7304-10-16
Integrated Management and Planning Model of Industrial Holding Marketing Activities in External Unstable Conditions

Obotnina Anna Alexandrovna, Postgraduate of the Faculty of Marketing, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; Stremyanny lane 36, Moscow, Russia, 117997 (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

The article examines the actual problem of organizing and managing the planning of marketing activities of industrial holding companies in conditions of macro-economic, social and geopolitical instability. The current tense situation on the world stage has entrusted the marketing of domestic industrial holdings with a strategic function to ensure the promotion of holding associations as reliable manufacturers and suppliers of goods, advanced technologies and import-substituting products in a short time. In this study, an integrated scientific and practical approach to the model of organization of planning and management of marketing activities of industrial holding companies is proposed, which is based on an adaptive set of measures for the formation of a general marketing strategy and tactical marketing plans of a holding organization, as well as the effectiveness of centralized management of a marketing system of a complex corporate structure. The novelty of the presented approach consists in the formation of an integrated, flexible, factually supported, manageable and adaptive to the conditions of unstable and crisis external factors integrated management system of strategic and operational marketing. The results of the study will allow the management of Russian industrial holdings to efficiently and in a short time organize or reconfigure the work of internal marketing departments in accordance with new environmental conditions and ensure the commercial sustainability of the holding organization.

Pp. 17 — 27

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2022-7304-17-27
Organizational and Economic Mechanism for the Implementation of the Marketing Strategy of Catering Enterprises

Sedelnikov Vladislav Mikhailovich, Junior Researcher of the Laboratory of Modeling of Spatial Development of Territories, Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Moskovskaya 29, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 620014 (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, Applicant, Department of Management and Marketing, Belgorod State Research University; Belgorod, Russia (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)The service sector is a promising, rapidly developing type of economic activity. Its importance in the modern economic system is manifested in accelerating economic development; increasing the share of services rendered in the gross domestic product of the country; creating new jobs; forming a significant part of the state budget; solving social problems; increasing the volume of export-import operations; improving the level and quality of life of the population. Statistical analysis of service sector indicators makes it possible to identify the main trends and patterns; to develop and implement the directions of long-term development in the economy of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the study is a statistical study of the indicators of paid services to the population of Russia to form the directions of their development.

Pp. 34-40

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2022-7304-34-40
Behavioral Characteristics of Audiences of Non-state Pension Funds in the Russian Federation

Sozinova Anastasia Andreevna,Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the Institute of Economics and Management for Research, Vyatka State University; Kirov, Russia (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Bondarenko Victoria Andreevna,Doctor of Economics, Head of the Department of Marketing and Advertising, Rostov State University of Economics (RINH); Rostov-on-Don, Russia (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Fokina Olga Vasilievna,Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Head. Department of Management and Marketing, Vyatka State University; Kirov, Russia (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

The article is devoted to the analysis of opinions, preferences and behavior of the population in relation to non-state pension funds (NPF) in the Russian Federation. As a result of the study, four types of respondents were identified, depending on their attitude to the issues of money accumulation. The insufficient degree of public confidence in NPF was revealed, which is caused by a high perception of the risk of their closure, bankruptcy and instability of activity. When comparing the possibility of investing in NPFs with other ways of saving and accumulating savings, most respondents named deposits, buying shares and investing in real estate. At the same time, certain advantages were noted when investing in NPF, in particular, increased profitability, the ability to influence the future size of one’s pension, the possibility of transferring pension savings by inheritance or to other persons. There is also an opinion that pension savings in NPFs are more protected from unfavorable state pension reforms than in Pension fund of Russian Federation.