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Pp. 3-12

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2021-7293-3-12
Strategic Approach to Brand Identity Formation Based on the Territorial Marketing Concept

Solovieva Dina Vitalievna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations, ITMO University; Chaykovskiy 11/2, St. Petersburg, Russia, 191187 (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Zavyalova Anastasia Olegovna, Student of the Department of Technological Management and Innovations, ITMO University; Chaykovskiy 11/2, St. Petersburg, Russia, 191187 (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

The subject of a brand connection with consumers is particularly acute in a highly competitive environment and a variety of product and value propositions. Considering the modern demand for authenticity and interest in cultural diversity, territory plays an important role in building such a relationship between a brand and its target audiences. It has a significant impact on the formation of the identity of both a person and a brand, determining the way of life, values and perception of the world. This article proposes a method and a number of models that make it possible to form a brand identity based on the concept of territorial marketing, which includes the cultural characteristics of the territory, since brands with territorial identity are conductive to creating a sense of belonging, confidence and comfort among consumers, the possibility to be a part of community.

Pp. 13-22

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2021-7293-13-22
Taking into Account User Behavior in Improving the Monetization Model of Mobile Applications

Kmet Elena Borisovna, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and Enterprise Management, Far Eastern Federal University; Russky Island, Ajax 10, 690922 (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

The aim of the study is to develop an approach to taking into account the peculiarities of user behavior in improving the monetization model of a mobile application, formed based on the results of the verification of hypotheses about the existence of a relationship between the categories of applications and the behavior of their users, as well as testing the approach. The choice of the monetization model is determined by a large number of influencing factors, among which the most significant are the application category, the trends in the development of the country’s mobile applications market in this category and the behavior of application users, which are constantly evolving and require periodic research and accounting in the application monetization model, which were the main ones. research hypotheses. The proposed approach to taking into account the peculiarities of user behavior in improving the monetization model of a mobile application was developed based on the analysis of scientific publications, the successful experience of monetizing applications of public companies and includes the process of improving the monetization model, field research tools and is applicable for a mobile application of any category. The approach was tested on the basis of field quantitative research in the form of an online survey of Chinese users of mobile applications in the Internet space of the PRC (People’s Republic of China) on the poll service Based on the results of the descriptive (frequency) and correlation analysis of the survey results, significant and strong dependencies were revealed between the categories of applications used and the characteristics of user behavior in these applications, which confirmed the hypotheses put forward and made it possible to develop a set of proposals for improving monetization models for a number of categories of mobile applications in China. Testing the approach using the example of users of mobile applications in the PRC allows us to confirm that it is applicable to any country. When planning a survey, it is important to consider all active Internet users in the country, and not users of a particular category of applications, as a general population and a deliberate deterministic sample. The results obtained are of practical interest for improving monetization models for both existing mobile applications and for forming monetization models for new projects.

Pp. 23-32

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2021-7293-23-32
Marketing Strategies for the Implementation of 3D Printers on the Regional Market (Primorsky Krai)

Zhokhova Valentina Vladimirovna, Candidate of Economics.Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and Trade, Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service; Gogol str. 4, Vladivostok, Russia, 690014 (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Purpose: to conduct a marketing study of the 3D printer market and develop marketing strategies for the implementation of a new product with competitive advantages.
Tasks: to review the international and Russian 3D printer markets, analyze the current state of the Russian 3D printer market and propose marketing strategies for the Vladivostok company to promote 3D printers in the target market of the Primorsky Territory.
Result: the review of the international and Russian 3D printer markets showed the activity of their development in world practice; the analysis of the state of the Russian 3D printer market volumes revealed its variable change in the period from 2013 to 2020 and allowed us to predict an increase in the analyzed product until 2025; the SWOT analysis made it possible to propose marketing strategies of the company that will contribute to the effective promotion of newly created 3D printers with competitive advantages in the regional market.
Conclusion: the main goal of the company is to obtain a consistently high return on the invested capital for the production and sale of 3D printers in the Primorye market. In order for the profitability of investments to be higher than that of competitors, the company must have a product that has competitive distinctive features. To sell this product, the company needs a choice of marketing strategies, the identification of which is facilitated by the marketing analysis of the 3D printer market. This analysis is aimed at timely providing the organization with the necessary, accurate and reliable information for making marketing decisions related to its effective development.

Pp. 33-40

DOI: 10.24412/2071-3762-2021-7293-33-40
About the Influence of Communication on Selection of the Marketing Concept

Anokhin Egor Vladimirovich, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor., National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Dzerzhinsk Branch; Zhukovsky lane 2, Dzerzhinsk, Russia, 606000 (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

In the USSR, ideology was the foundation on which the cultural dimension of the Soviet society was built ? the nature of activity of educational, cultural and art institutions was regulated by the state. Those institutions were the mediators of the Soviet ideology, which determined specific features of communication in those dominions, with education at the core of it. In the process of transition from the administrative command system to a market economy the role of the educational component was reduced on the background of the growth in significance of consumers’ opinion. Such shift drastically affected the communication policy and specific features of communication: instead of the commonly used official “You” (the Russian polite second person plural form “вы” used to address strangers, older people, officials, and anyone you are interacting with in formal settings), the emerging business environment eagerly adopted informal “you” (the Russian second person singular form “ты”). People have been actively engaged in research processes which result in designing of development strategies for territorial entities, educational programs, internet and mass media content, and TV and radio “broadcasting networks”. Today the cultural level of the Russian society is heavily influenced by both the state and private sector in the person of residents and non-residents of the territorial entities. Many institutions and companies operating in the field of education, culture, art, and mass media have become private-owned, and their survival is preconditioned by rendering fee-based and advertising services. When ads first appeared, they were deemed some kind of a tool used to broaden horizons for the population. However, this is true only if the national economy undergoes “breakthrough” development in multiple sectors and if the living standards are rising. Opposite trends create conditions in which ads become a tool of imposing some specific opinion on people. Since the developing economy was mixed marketing issues became differentiated, which preconditioned prioritizing of sales marketing concepts and selection of respective communication strategies by market players. A paradox has emerged: In the administrative command economic model the attitude of mass media towards their audience was respectful, while in the free marketing economy that attitude is more often than not correlated with command methods used in modern communication.